DGG Mannequin

Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Chirurgie, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie


Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Chirurgie, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie
Leitung der Klinik: Prof. Dr. S. Kersting


Universitätsmedizin Greifswald - Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts -

Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Chirurgie, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie

Abteilung: Chirurgisches Forschungslabor DZ7

17475 Greifswald

Icon Ausstattung


Grundlagenlabor: molekularbiologisch und andere


Icon Methoden


  • Zellkultur
  • FACS
  • div. in-house Enzymimmunoassays, Radioimmunoassays, Lumineszenzimmunoassays
  • Antikörper-/Zytokinnachweis gegen implantierte Gefäßprothesen
  • Implantationen/Explantationen Ratte und Maus (in Kooperation auch Schwein und Schaf)
  • Histologie
  • TUNEL staining, fluorescence microscopy
  • Immunohistochemie, Immunfluoreszenz
  • Morphometrie
  • Digitale Bildanalysesysteme KS400, ImageJ, QuPath
  • Mutiplexassays zur differenzierten Zytokin / Chemokinanalyse
Icon Personal


  • Ärzte mit Forschungsprojekten            
  • TAs
  • Doktoranden
  • PhD
  • Naturwissenschaftler


Klinisch: Projekte Amputationsgrenzen

Translational: Projekte Extremitätenischämie, Grenzzonenischämie

Grundlagen: Projekte: Biokompatibiltät medizinischer Implantate, aktuell HOGEMA


Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Hoene

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Interregional: Universität Rostock (Orthopädie, Zellbiologie, u.a.), Hochschule Wismar

Veranstaltungen und Netzwerk

am Standort


  • 7 Laufende Doktorarbeiten
  • 4 Abgeschlossene Doktorarbeiten der letzten 5 Jahre (2017 – 2021)
  • 4 Abgeschlossene Habilitationen der letzten 10 Jahre (2012 – 2021)


  1. Schlosser M, Wilhelm L, Urban G, Ziegler B, Ziegler M, Zippel R. Immunogenicity of polymeric implants: Long-term antibody response against polyester (Dacron) following the implantation of vascular prostheses into LEW.1A rats. J. Biomed Mater Res 61 (2002) 450–457. (IF: 2,462)
  2. Zippel R, Wilhelm L, Marusch F, Koch A, Urban G, Schlosser M. Antigenicity of polyester (Dacron) vascular prostheses in an animal model. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 21 (2001) 202–207. (IF: 1,484)
  3. Schlosser M,  Zippel R, Hoene A, Urban G, Ueberrueck T, Marusch F, Koch A, Meyer L, Wilhelm L. Antibody response to collagen after functional implantation of different polyester vascular prosthesis in pigs. J Biomed Mater Res A 72 (2005) 317–325. (IF: 2,743)
  4. Zippel R, Hoene A, Walschus U, Jarchow R, Ueberrueck T, Patrzyk M, Schlosser M, Wilhelm L. Digital image analysis for morphometric evaluation of tissue response after implanting alloplastic vascular prostheses. Microscopy & Microanalysis 12 (2006) 366–375. (IF: 2,108)
  5. Wilhelm L, Zippel R, von Woedtke T, Kenk H, Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Schlosser M. Immune response against polyester implants is influenced by the coating substances. J Biomed Mater Res A 83 (2007) 104–113. (IF: 2,497)
  6. Zippel R, Wilhelm L, Hoene A, Walschus U, Ueberrueck T, Schlosser M. Local tissue reaction and differentiation of the prosthesis-specific antibody response following functional implantation of vascular grafts in pigs. J Biomed Mater Res B: Appl Biomaterials 85 (2008) 334–353. (IF: 2,030)
  7. Walschus U, Goldmann H, Ueberrueck T, Hoene A, Wilhelm L, Schlosser M. Evaluation of the biocompatibility of a new vascular prosthesis coating by detection of prosthesis-specific antibodies. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19 (2008) 1595–1600. (IF: 1,508)
  8. Patrzyk, M, Hoene A, Jarchow R, Wilhelm L, Walschus U, Zippel R, Schlosser M. Time course of fibronectin in the peri-implant tissue and neointima formation after functional implantation of polyester-based vascular prostheses with different porosity in pigs. Biomed Mater 5 (2010) 055003. (IF: 2,467)
  9. Hoene A, Walschus U, Patrzyk M, Finke B, Lucke S, Nebe B, Schroeder K, Ohl A, Schlosser M. In vivo investigation of the inflammatory response against allylamine plasma polymer coated titanium implants in a rat model. Acta Biomater 6 (2010) 676–683. (IF: 4,824)
  10. Walschus U, Hoene A, Kochanowski A H, Neukirch B, Patrzyk M, Wilhelm L, Schroeder K, Schlosser M. Quantitative immunohistochemical examination of the local cellular reactions following implantation of biomaterials. J of Microscopy 242 (2011) 94–99. (IF: 1,631)
  11. Walschus U, Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Finke B, Polak M, Lucke S, Nebe B, Schröder K, Podbielski A, Wilhelm L, Schlosser M. Serum profile of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in rats following implantation of low-temperature plasma-modified titanium plates. J Mater Sci Mater Med 23 (2012) 1299-1307. (IF: 2,141)
  12. Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Walschus U, Straňák V, Hippler R, Testrich H, Meichsner J, Finke B, Rebl H Nebe B, Zietz C, Bader R, Podbielski A, Schlosser M. In vivo examination of the local inflammatory response after implantation of Ti6Al4V samples with a combined low-temperature plasma treatment using pulsed magnetron sputtering of copper and plasma-polymerized ethylenediamine. J Mater Sci Mater Med 24 (2013) 761-771. (IF: 2,379)
  13. Hoene A, Prinz C, Walschus U, Lucke S, Patrzyk M, Wilhelm L, Neumann HG, Schlosser M. In vivo evaluation of copper release and acute local tissue reactions after implantation of copper-coated titanium implants in rats. Biomed Mater. 8 (2013) 035009. (IF: 2,922)
  14. Lucke S, Hoene A, Walschus U, Kob A, Pissarek J-W, Schlosser M. Acute and chronic local inflammatory reaction after implantation of different extracellular porcine dermis collagen matrices in rats. BioMed Research International 2015; 15:938059 doi: 10.1155/2015/938059. (IF: 2,134)
  15. Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Walschus U, Finke B, Lucke S, Nebe B, Schröder K, Schlosser M. Systemic IFNγ predicts local implant macrophage response. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2015 Mar;26(3):131. doi: 10.1007/s10856-015-5476-5 (IF: 2,272)
  16. Walschus U, Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Lucke S, Finke B, Polak M, Lukowski G, Bader R, Zietz C, Podbielski A, Nebe JB, Schlosser M. A cell-adhesive plasma polymerized allylamine coating reduces the in vivo inflammatory response induced by Ti6Al4V modified with plasma immersion ion implantation of copper. J Funct Biomater 8 (2017) 30; doi:10.3390/jfb8030030 (IF: 4,35)
  17. Lucke S, Walschus U, Hoene A, Schnabelrauch M, Nebe JB, Finke B, Schlosser M. The in vivo inflammatory and foreign body giant cell response against different poly(l-lactide-co-d/l-lactide) implants is primarily determined by material morphology rather than surface chemistry. J Biomed Mater Res A 106 (2018) 2726-34 (IF: 3,221)
  18. Hoene A, Lucke S, Walschus U, Hackbarth C, Prinz C, Evert FK, Neumann HG, Schlosser M. Effects of copper-impregnated collagen implants on local pro- and anti-inflammatory and regenerative tissue reactions following implantation in rats. J Biomed Mater Res A108 (2020) 871-881. (IF: 4,396)
  19. Koppe C, Hoene A, Walschus U, Finke B, Testrich H, Pohl C, Brandt N, Patrzyk M, Meichsner J, Nebe B, Schlosser M. Local Inflammatory Response after Intramuscularly Implantation of Anti-Adhesive Plasma-Fluorocarbon-Polymer Coated Ti6AI4V Discs in Rats. Polymers (Basel). 13 (2021) 2684. doi: 10.3390/polym13162684. (IF: 4,329 für 2020)
  20. Köhler R, Pohl C, Walschus U, Zippel R, Wilhelm L, Hoene A, Patrzyk M, Schlosser M. Association of systemic antibody response against polyethylene terephthalate with inflammatory serum cytokine profile following implantation of differently coated vascular prostheses in a rat animal model. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2021 Jul 9. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.37265. Online ahead of print. (IF: 4,396 für 2020)
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